Monday, September 24

Last week, I experienced many what I would call "identity questioning or identity challenging" moments..... Also, I got to go salsa dancing!

Situations/conversations which got me thinking/praying this past week:

1. Listening once again to the history of Nicaragua and the United States ugly role in much of the past injustices and violence.

2. Sitting in a meeting with representatives from UMCOR who are traveling around Central America learning from organizations and asking the best ways for the Methodist church to be most helpful. One of the major responses from AMC is "TRUST US".

3. Meeting a new friend who worked with Doctors without Borders and traveled to some of the most impoverished and war stricken areas in the world.

4. Meeting a local Nicaraguan who  one day when studying in New Orleans was almost deported and publicly humiliated simply because he had on a Nicaraguan shirt and looks Nicaraguan.

5. Hearing a Nicaraguan friend's perspective on all the missionaries who visit this country. He mentioned many times they come wanting to help but then still live rich separate lives.

6. Reading about how Texas and TCU are doing well in football and I am considering what this means for my liking and respecting University of Texas.

I will go into more details later this week. As I am being challenged, I still feel happy, blessed and humbled to be here.

Dios te bendiga!

Thank you for your continued support, mis amigos!


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